Friday, July 30, 2010

Chapter 4 ॥ चतथु ोऽध्याम्॥

अष्टावक्र उवाच ॥
हन्तात्मऻानस्य धीयस्य खरे तो बोगरीरमा ।
न तह ससं ायवाहीकैभढूभ ्ै सह सभानता ॥ ४-१॥
janaka uvāca
hantātmajñānasya dhīrasya khelato bhogalīlayā
na hi saṁsāravāhīkairmūḍhaiḥ saha samānatā
Janaka: The wise person of self-knowledge, playing the game of
worldly enjoyment, bears no resemblance whatever to samsara's
bewildered beasts of burden.
मत ऩ् द ं प्रप्से वो दीना् शक्रार्द्या् सवदभ वे ता् ।
अहो तत्र तस्थतो मोगी न हषभभ ऩु गच्छतत ॥ ४-२॥
yat padaṁ prepsavo dīnāḥ śakrādyāḥ sarvadevatāḥ
aho tatra sthito yogī na harṣamupagacchati

Truly the yogi feels no excitement even at being established in
that state which all the Devas from Indra down yearn for
तज्ज्ञस्य ऩण्ु मऩाऩाभ्या ंस्पशो ह्यन्तन भजामत े ।
न ह्याकाशस्य धभू ने दृश्मभानातऩ सङ्गतत् ॥ ४-३॥
tajjñasya puṇyapāpābhyāṁ sparśo hyantarna jāyate
na hyākāśasya dhūmena dṛśyamānāpi saṅgatiḥ
He who has known That is untouched within by good deeds or
bad, just as the sky is not touched by smoke, however much it
may appear to be.
आत्मवै दे ं जगत्सवं ऻात ं मने भहात्मना ।
मदृच्छमा वतभभ ान ं त ं तनषिे ंु ऺभते क् ॥ ४-४॥
ātmaivedaṁ jagatsarvaṁ jñātaṁ yena mahātmanā
yadṛcchayā vartamānaṁ taṁ niṣeddhuṁ kṣameta kaḥ
Who can prevent the great-souled person who has known this
whole world as himself from living as he pleases?

आब्रह्मस्तफं ऩमन्तभ े बतू ग्राभ े चततुवधभ े ।
तवऻस्यवै तह साभर्थ्तभभच्छातनच्छातववजनभ े॥ ४-५॥
ābrahmastaṁbaparyante bhūtagrāme caturvidhe
vijñasyaiva hi sāmarthyamicchānicchāvivarjane
Of all four categories of beings, from Brahma down to the last
clump of grass, only the man of knowledge is capable of
eliminating desire and aversion.
आत्मानभद्वमं कतश्चज्जानातत जगदीश्वयं ।
मद ्वतेत्त तत्स कुरुत े न बम ं तस्य कुत्रतचत ॥् ४-६॥
ātmānamadvayaṁ kaścijjānāti jagadīśvaram
yad vetti tatsa kurute na bhayaṁ tasya kutracit
Rare is the man who knows himself as the undivided Lord of the
world, and he who knows this is not afraid of anything.

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