जनक उवाच ॥
अहो तनयंजन् शान्तो फोधोऽहं प्रकृ त्े ऩय् ।
एतावन्तभहं कारं भोहने वै तवडतं फत् ॥ २-१॥
janaka uvāca
aho niraṁjanaḥ śānto bodho'haṁ prakṛteḥ paraḥ
etāvantamahaṁ kālaṁ mohenaiva viḍaṁbitaḥ
Janaka: Truly I am spotless and at peace, the awareness beyond
natural causality. All this time I have been afflicted by delusion.
मथा प्रकाशमाम्यके ो दहे भने ं तथा जगत ।्
अतो भभ जगत्सवभभ थवा न च तकंचन ॥ २-२॥
yathā prakāśayāmyeko dehamenaṁ tathā jagat
ato mama jagatsarvamathavā na ca kiṁcana॥
As I alone give light to this body, so I do to the world, As a result
the whole world is mine, or alternatively nothing is.
स शयीयभहो तवश्व ं ऩतयत्यज्य भमाधनु ा ।
कुततश्चत क् ौशराद ्एव ऩयभात्मा तवरोक्यत े॥ २-३॥
sa śarīramaho viśvaṁ parityajya mayādhunā
kutaścit kauśalād eva paramātmā vilokyate
So now that I have abandoned the body and everything else, by
some good fortune or other my true self becomes apparent.
मथा न तोमतो तबन्नास्तयंगा् पेनफद्बु दु ा् ।
आत्मनो न तथा तबन्न ं तवश्वभात्मतवतनगतभ भ ॥् २-४॥
yathā na toyato bhinnāstaraṁgāḥ phenabudbudāḥ
ātmano na tathā bhinnaṁ viśvamātmavinirgatam
Just as waves, foam and bubbles are not different from water, so
all this which has emanated from oneself, is no other than
तन्तभु ात्रो बवदे ्एव ऩटो मद्वद ्तवचातयत् ।
आत्मतन्मात्रभवे दे ं तद्वद ्तवश्व ं तवचातयतभ ॥् २-५॥
tantumātro bhaved eva paṭo yadvad vicāritaḥ
ātmatanmātramevedaṁ tadvad viśvaṁ vicāritam
In the same way that when analysed cloth is found to be just
thread, so when all this is analysed it is found to be no other than
मथवै ऺे यु स ेक्लृप्ता तने व्याप्तवै शकभया ।
तथा तवश्व ं भतम क्लृप्त ं भमा व्याप्त ं तनयन्तयभ ॥् २-६॥
yathaivekṣurase klṛptā tena vyāptaiva śarkarā
tathā viśvaṁ mayi klṛptaṁ mayā vyāptaṁ nirantaram
Just as the sugar produced from the juice of the sugarcane is
permeated with the same taste, so all this, produced out of me, is
completely permeated with myself.
आत्मऻानाज्जगद ्बातत आत्मऻानान्न बासत े ।
यज्ज्वऻानादतहबातभत तज्ज्ञानाद ्बासत े न तह ॥ २-७॥
ātmajñānājjagad bhāti ātmajñānānna bhāsate
rajjvajñānādahirbhāti tajjñānād bhāsate na hi
From ignorance of oneself, the world appears, and by knowledge
of oneself it appears no longer. From ignorance of the rope a
snake appears, and by knowledge of it it appears no longer.
प्रकाशो भ े तनज ं रूऩ ं नातततयिोऽस्म्यहं तत् ।
मदा प्रकाशत े तवश्व ं तदाहं बास एव तह ॥ २-८॥
prakāśo me nijaṁ rūpaṁ nātirikto'smyahaṁ tataḥ
yadā prakāśate viśvaṁ tadāhaṁ bhāsa eva hi
Shining is my essential nature, and I am nothing over and
beyond that. When the world shines forth, it is simply me that is
shining forth.
अहो तवकतित ं तवश्वभऻानान्मतम बासत े ।
रूप्य ं शिु ौ पणी यज्जौ वातय समू कभ य े मथा ॥ २-९॥
aho vikalpitaṁ viśvamajñānānmayi bhāsate
rūpyaṁ śuktau phaṇī rajjau vāri sūryakare yathā
All this appears in me imagined due to ignorance, just as a snake
appears in the rope, the mirage of water in the sunlight, and
silver in mother of pearl.
भत्तो तवतनगतभ ं तवश्व ं भय्यवे रमभष्ये तत ।
भतृ द कंुबो जरे वीतच् कनके कटकं मथा ॥ २-१०॥
matto vinirgataṁ viśvaṁ mayyeva layameṣyati
mṛdi kuṁbho jale vīciḥ kanake kaṭakaṁ yathā
All this, which has originated out of me, is resolved back into me
too, like a jug back into clay, a wave into water, and a bracelet
into gold.
अहो अहं नभो भह्य ं तवनाशो मस्य नातस्त भ े ।
ब्रह्मातदस्तफं ऩमन्तभ ं जगन्नाशोऽतऩ ततष्ठत् ॥ २-११॥
aho ahaṁ namo mahyaṁ vināśo yasya nāsti me
brahmādistaṁbaparyantaṁ jagannāśo'pi tiṣṭhataḥ
How wonderful I am! Glory to me, for whom there is no
destruction, remaining even beyond the destruction of the world
from Brahma down to the last clump of grass
अहो अहं नभो भह्यं एकोऽहं देहवानतऩ ।
क्वतचन्न गन्ता नागन्ता व्याप्य तवश्वभवतस्थत् ॥ २-१२॥
aho ahaṁ namo mahyaṁ eko'haṁ dehavānapi
kvacinna gantā nāgantā vyāpya viśvamavasthitaḥ
How wonderful I am! Glory to me, solitary even though with a
body, neither going nor coming anywhere, I who abide forever,
filling all that is.
अहो अहं नभो भह्यं दऺो नास्तीह भत्सभ् ।
असस्पं श्ृ म शयीयणे मने तवश्व ं तचयं धतृ भ ॥् २-१३॥
aho ahaṁ namo mahyaṁ dakṣo nāstīha matsamaḥ
asaṁspṛśya śarīreṇa yena viśvaṁ ciraṁ dhṛtam
How wonderful I am! Glory to me! There is no one so clever as
me! I who have borne all that is forever, without even touching it
with my body!
अहो अहं नभो भह्य ं मस्य भ े नातस्त तकंचन ।
अथवा मस्य भ े सवं मद ्वाङ्मनसगोचयभ ॥् २-१४॥
aho ahaṁ namo mahyaṁ yasya me nāsti kiṁcana
athavā yasya me sarvaṁ yad vāṅmanasagocaram
How wonderful I am! Glory to me! I who possess nothing at all,
or alternatively possess everything that speech and mind can
refer to.
ऻान ं ऻमे ं तथा ऻाता तत्रतम ं नातस्त वास्तव ं ।
अऻानाद ्बातत मत्रदे ं सोऽहभति तनयंजन् ॥ २-१५॥
jñānaṁ jñeyaṁ tathā jñātā tritayaṁ nāsti vāstavam
ajñānād bhāti yatredaṁ so'hamasmi niraṁjanaḥ
Knowledge, what is to be known, and the knower - these three
do not exist in reality. I am the spotless reality in which they
appear because of ignorance.
द्वतै भरू भहो दु्ख ं नान्यत्तस्याऽतस्त बषे ज ं ।
दृश्मभते न भ् षृ ा सवं एकोऽहं तचद्रसोभर् ॥ २-१६॥
dvaitamūlamaho duḥkhaṁ nānyattasyā'sti bheṣajam
dṛśyametan mṛṣā sarvaṁ eko'haṁ cidrasomalaḥ
Truly dualism is the root of suffering. There is no other remedy
for it than the realisation that all this that we see is unreal, and
that I am the one stainless reality, consisting of consciousness.
फोधभात्रोऽहभऻानाद ्उऩातध् कतितो भमा ।
एव ं तवभशृ तो तनत्य ं तनतवकभ ि े तस्थततभभभ ॥ २-१७॥
bodhamātro'hamajñānād upādhiḥ kalpito mayā
evaṁ vimṛśato nityaṁ nirvikalpe sthitirmama
I am pure awareness though through ignorance I have imagined
myself to have additional attributes. By continually reflecting like
this, my dwelling place is in the Unimagined.
न भ े फन्धोऽतस्त भोऺो वा भ्रातन्त् शान्तो तनयाश्रमा ।
अहो भतम तस्थत ं तवश्व ं वस्ततु ो न भतम तस्थतभ॥् २-१८॥
na me bandho'sti mokṣo vā bhrāntiḥ śānto nirāśrayā
aho mayi sthitaṁ viśvaṁ vastuto na mayi sthitam
For me here is neither bondage nor liberation. The illusion has
lost its basis and ceased. Truly all this exists in me, though
ultimately it does not even exist in me.
सशयीयतभदं तवश्वं न तकंतचतदतत तनतश्चतं ।
शिु तचन्मात्र आत्मा च तत्कतिन क् िनाधनु ा॥२-१९।
saśarīramidaṁ viśvaṁ na kiṁciditi niścitam
śuddhacinmātra ātmā ca tatkasmin kalpanādhunā
I have recognised that all this and my body are nothing, while
my true self is nothing but pure consciousness, so what is there
for the imagination work on now?
शयीयं स्वगनभ यकौ फन्धभोऺौ बम ं तथा ।
किनाभात्रभवे तै त त् कं भ े काम ं तचदात्मन् ॥ २-२०॥
śarīraṁ svarganarakau bandhamokṣau bhayaṁ tathā
kalpanāmātramevaitat kiṁ me kāryaṁ cidātmanaḥ
The body, heaven and hell, bondage and liberation, and fear too,
all this is pure imagination. What is there left to do for me whose
very nature is consciousness?
अहो जनसभूहेऽतऩ न द्वैतं ऩश्मतो भभ ।
अयण्मतभव सवं त्तृ ं क्व यतत ं कयवाण्महभ ॥् २-२१॥
aho janasamūhe'pi na dvaitaṁ paśyato mama
araṇyamiva saṁvṛttaṁ kva ratiṁ karavāṇyaham
Truly I do not even see dualism in a crowd of people, so what
would I gain by replacing it with a wilderness?
नाहं दहे ो न भ े दहे ो जीवो नाहभहं तह तचत ।्
अमभवे तह भ े फन्ध आसीर्द्या जीतवत ेस्पहृ ा ॥ २-२२॥
nāhaṁ deho na me deho jīvo nāhamahaṁ hi cit
ayameva hi me bandha āsīdyā jīvite spṛhā
I am not the body, nor is the body mine. I am not a living being. I
am consciousness. It was my thirst for living that was my
अहो बवु नकल्लोरतै वतभचत्रद्रै ाकभ ्सभतुित ं ।
भय्यनतं भहाबं ोधौ तचत्तवात े सभर्द्यु त े॥ २-२३॥
aho bhuvanakallolairvicitrairdrāk samutthitam
mayyanaṁtamahāṁbhodhau cittavāte samudyate
Truly it is in the limitless ocean of myself, that stimulated by the
colourful waves of the worlds everything suddenly arises in the
wind of consciousness.
भय्यनतं भहाबं ोधौ तचत्तवात े प्रशाम्यतत ।
अबाग्माज्जीववतणजो जगत्पोतो तवनश्वय् ॥ २-२४॥
mayyanaṁtamahāṁbhodhau cittavāte praśāmyati
abhāgyājjīvavaṇijo jagatpoto vinaśvaraḥ
It is in the limitless ocean of myself, that the wind of thought
subsides, and the trader-like living being's world boat is wrecked
by lack of goods.
भय्यनन्तभहांबोधावाश्चमं जीववीचम् ।
उर्द्यतन्त घ्नतन्त खरे तन्त प्रतवशतन्त स्वबावत्॥२-२५॥
mayyanantamahāṁbhodhāvāścaryaṁ jīvavīcayaḥ
udyanti ghnanti khelanti praviśanti svabhāvataḥ
How wonderful it is that in the limitless ocean of myself the
waves of living beings arise, collide, play and disappear,
according to their natures.
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