Friday, July 30, 2010

Chapter 13 ॥त्रमोदशोऽध्याम्॥

जनक उवाच ॥
अतकंचनबवं स्वास्थं कौऩीनत्वेऽतऩ दुरभबं ।
त्यागादान ेतवहामािादहभास ेमथासखु भ ॥् १३-१॥
janaka uvāca
akiṁcanabhavaṁ svāsthaṁ kaupīnatve'pi durlabham
tyāgādāne vihāyāsmādahamāse yathāsukham
Janaka: The inner freedom of having nothing is hard to achieve,
even with just a loin-cloth, but I live as I please abandoning both
renunciation and acquisition.
कुत्रातऩ खदे ् कामस्य तजह्वा कुत्रातऩ खर्द्ये त े ।
भन् कुत्रातऩ तत्त्यक्त्वा ऩरुु षाथ े तस्थत् सखु भ ॥् ३-२॥
kutrāpi khedaḥ kāyasya jihvā kutrāpi khedyate
manaḥ kutrāpi tattyaktvā puruṣārthe sthitaḥ sukham

Sometimes one experiences distress because of one's body,
sometimes because of one's speech, and sometimes because of
one's mind. Abandoning all of these, I live as I please in the goal
of humanity.
कृ त ं तकभतऩ नवै स्याद ्इतत सतं चन्त्य तत्त्वत् ।
मदा मत्कतभभु ामातत तत क् ृत्वास ेमथासखु भ ॥् १३-३॥
kṛtaṁ kimapi naiva syād iti saṁcintya tattvataḥ
yadā yatkartumāyāti tat kṛtvāse yathāsukham
Recognising that in reality no action is ever committed, I live as I
please, just doing what presents itself to be done.
कभनभ ष्कै म्यतभनफन्धभ बावा दहे स्थमोतगन् ।
समं ोगामोगतवयहादहभास ेमथासखु भ ॥् १३-४॥
karmanaiṣkarmyanirbandhabhāvā dehasthayoginaḥ
saṁyogāyogavirahādahamāse yathāsukham
Yogis who identify themselves with their bodies are insistent on
fulfilling and avoiding certain actions, but I live as I please
abandoning attachment and rejection.

अथानभ थौ न भ े तस्थत्या गत्या न शमनने वा ।
ततष्ठन ग् च्छन स्व् ऩन त् िादहभास ेमथासखु भ॥् १३-५
arthānarthau na me sthityā gatyā na śayanena vā
tiṣṭhan gacchan svapan tasmādahamāse yathāsukham
No benefit or loss comes to me by standing, walking or lying
down, so consequently I live as I please whether standing,
walking or sleeping.
स्वऩतो नातस्त भ े हातन् तसतिमत्नभ वतो न वा ।
नाशोल्लासौ तवहामािदहभास ेमथासखु भ ॥् १३-६॥
svapato nāsti me hāniḥ siddhiryatnavato na vā
nāśollāsau vihāyāsmadahamāse yathāsukham
I lose nothing by sleeping and gain nothing by effort, so
consequently I live as I please, abandoning loss and success.
सखु ातदरूऩा तनमभ ं बावष्वे ारोक्य बतू यश् ।
शबु ाशबु े तवहामािादहभास ेमथासखु भ ॥् १३-७॥

sukhādirūpā niyamaṁ bhāveṣvālokya bhūriśaḥ
śubhāśubhe vihāyāsmādahamāse yathāsukham
Frequently observing the drawbacks of such things as pleasant
objects, I live as I please, abandoning the pleasant and

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