जनक उवाच ॥
कामकृत्यासह् ऩूवं ततो वातग्वस्तयासह् ।
अथ तचन्तासहस्तिाद ्एवभवे ाहभातस्थत् ॥ १२-१॥
janaka uvāca
kāyakṛtyāsahaḥ pūrvaṁ tato vāgvistarāsahaḥ
atha cintāsahastasmād evamevāhamāsthitaḥ
Janaka: First of all I was averse to physical activity, then to
lengthy speech, and finally to thinking itself, which is why I am
now established.
प्रीत्यबावेन शब्दादेयदृश्मत्वेन चात्मन् ।
तवऺऩे कै ाग्रहृदम एवभवे ाहभातस्थत् ॥ १२-२॥
prītyabhāvena śabdāderadṛśyatvena cātmanaḥ
vikṣepaikāgrahṛdaya evamevāhamāsthitaḥ
In the absence of delight in sound and the other senses, and by
the fact that I am myself not an object of the senses, my mind is
focused and free from distraction - which is why I am now
सभाध्यासातदतवतऺप्तौ व्यवहाय् सभाधम े ।
एव ं तवरोक्य तनमभ ं एवभवे ाहभातस्थत् ॥ १२-३॥ ।
samādhyāsādivikṣiptau vyavahāraḥ samādhaye
evaṁ vilokya niyamaṁ evamevāhamāsthitaḥ
In the absence of delight in sound and the other senses, and by
the fact that I am myself not an object of the senses, my mind is
focused and free from distraction - which is why I am now
हमे ोऩादमे तवयहाद ्एव ं हषतभवषादमो् ।
अबावादर्द्य ह े ब्रह्मन्न ए् वभवे ाहभातस्थत् ॥ १२-४॥
heyopādeyavirahād evaṁ harṣaviṣādayoḥ
abhāvādadya he brahmann evamevāhamāsthitaḥ
By relinquishing the sense of rejection and acceptance, and with
pleasure and disappointment ceasing today, brahmin - I am now
आश्रभानाश्रभ ंध्यान ं तचत्तस्वीकृ तवजनभ ं ।
तवकि ं भभ वीक्ष्यतै यै वे भवे ाहभातस्थत् ॥ १२-५॥
āśramānāśramaṁ dhyānaṁ cittasvīkṛtavarjanam
vikalpaṁ mama vīkṣyaitairevamevāhamāsthitaḥ
Life in a community, then going beyond such a state, meditation
and the elimination of mind-made objects - by means of these I
have seen my error, and I am now established.
कभानभ ष्ठु ानभऻानाद ्मथवै ोऩयभस्तथा ।
फध्वु ा सम्यतगद ं तत्त्व ं एवभवे ाहभातस्थत् ॥ १२-६॥
karmānuṣṭhānamajñānād yathaivoparamastathā
budhvā samyagidaṁ tattvaṁ evamevāhamāsthitaḥ
Just as the performance of actions is due to ignorance, so their
abandonment is too. By fully recognising this truth, I am now
अतचंत्यं तचंत्यभानोऽतऩ तचन्तारूऩं बजत्यसौ ।
त्यक्त्वा तद्भावन ं तिाद ्एवभवे ाहभातस्थत् ॥ १२-७॥
aciṁtyaṁ ciṁtyamāno'pi cintārūpaṁ bhajatyasau
tyaktvā tadbhāvanaṁ tasmād evamevāhamāsthitaḥ
Trying to think the unthinkable, is doing something unnatural to
thought. Abandoning such a practice therefore, I am now
एवभवे कृ त ं मने स कृ ताथो बवदे सौ ।
एवभवे स्वबावो म् स कृ ताथो बवदे सौ ॥ १२-८॥
evameva kṛtaṁ yena sa kṛtārtho bhavedasau
evameva svabhāvo yaḥ sa kṛtārtho bhavedasau
He who has achieved this has achieved the goal of life. He who is
of such a nature has done what has to be done.
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